
Just one of those things that forces you to remember that you are growing up. People are leaving and moving on in there lives,.... then there's you. I really wish I could be part of the crowd and go off and follow my dreams and all that...too bad I really have not a clue about what I want to do for my future. Still, I miss the people who come in and out of life. even if it's just that cute/hot/mega hot guy in your first period class you are scared of talking to, or a friend you made while in geometry trying to talk triangles, even those everyday people who just said hi to you in the hallway, being friendly.  I'll miss them come to a point where you just are so comfortable with them around you really don't know they're gone until they're gone.. its something you take for granted and I really wish I hadn't. I really wish that I could say I really lived it up with them and gotten to know them along the time but I really haven't. That's one thing I really regret doing. I am a person who is shy, so really social situations, even if it's with like the nicest guy in the world, I could not bring myself up to talking to them.
One piece of advice to give you (even as cliché as it may be..) live life to the fullest.
Just remember life is short and live life, just live it up.


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