College and Stuff

Started college and all. To be entirely honest, there is no point of me writing this besides getting things out of my head. There has already been a month in to college and not too shabby I may add. The normal college experience and all, with the dinning food, roommates, and attractive guys. To every other person who doesn't currently live with their family, this may not seem like such a big deal, I definitely was a person who cried when their parents went home and ended up crying to my roommates mother afterwards. 

College at that moment seemed like such a big step but looking back, it's just school all over again except your mom can't wake you up to go you classes. Also she isn't there to make food which is another massive difference. Anyways, just wanted to say hi because like I said before, or not, I really haven't used this site is a long time. Hope y'all are doing well, who ever actually reads these. xx


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