The United States of America: Welcome to 2021

 This is how the start of 2021 will begin, with the transformation political leadership and power ultimately Trumps presidential transition has resulted in a mass riot and violence. At the US Capitol building in Washington D.C. whilst votes were being counted for the electoral vote, around 1pm, groups had pushed through and entered the building after thousands gathered for President Trump's speech 

This is the first time in just about 200 years since the capitol has been breached, since 1814 during the War of 1812 when the British attacked. What could have been just a peaceful protest of our government turned violent and destructive. 

These criminal behaviors are being condemned by both Republican and Democratic parties, describing this as an attack on democracy and a violent act against our government. There seems to be a countdown until Donald Trump is transitioned out of office, placing todays actions on him. Not only Senators and aides on the senate floor, but reporters and production journalists waiting for direction on getting to safety and out of harm. 

Of course a number of elected officials had begun to reach out throughout the day via Twitter and other outlets speaking on their safety and the current state of the situation. Tonight though, the masses have been scaled back and the 6pm curfew put into effect had worked to disperse the crowds.  The senators now are resuming their vote count after the riots had occurred at the U.S. Capitol. This truly is a monumental day not only of the year 2021 but in U.S. history. 

This domestic terrorist does not need to happen and be escalated to this violent and full force way but today has happened. Both sides need to come together as a united force as a country. We have to come together to make sure each other are okay and cooperate with each other and compromise and work together on each others differences. 

This domestic terrorist does not need to happen and be escalated to this violent and full force way but today has happened. Both sides need to come together as a united force as a country. We have to come together to make sure each other are okay and cooperate with each other and compromise and work together on each others differences. It seems to be that the live Senate debate has understanding that in such times, there needs to be unity and not division of government. 

More news comes out about identifying those who rioted and caused violence in The Capitol with facial recognition technologies. One woman has been confirmed to have died in the actions of today and others counted with injuries and such. Right now, more information is being gathered on how to react to and take action against the mob and riot against our democracy will precede from here. 





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