Nostalgia: When We Were Young



Tik Tok and this new group of kids growing up have reunited generations of music pasts. you look at the line up of bands 8 years ago and even 18 years ago, many bands have stood the test of time. 

Music is passed around on the school bus, or your friends older siblings or even just going into a Zumiez or a Hot Topic or Spencers. Its a form of expression and definitely created a dedicated and passionate fanbase. It wasn't just a playlist but a lifestyle. The skateboarding culture, tattoo and piercings expressions, fashion statements and more. There was rebellion to the cookie cutter lifestyle of the Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch beach lifestyle.

The Superbowl is another event that brings back great throwback acts Madonna, Rihanna, Eminem, and others.  Besides bringing around well rounded and top 100 artists , there was a grit and angsty energy brought with pop punk.

With things back opening up with the shut down and everything, socializing is nearly back to where it used to be. Music is always something that I believe brings people together. Parents influence their kids tastes and friends do as well and that's probably why some bands have been passed down generationally. All those punk kids from school going against the grain, the default defiance, are grown up and parents now. 

The music is relatable as well. Kids don't want to waste their time 'become a casualty of society'. I grew up with pop punk before I was a teenager, all insecure and weird. That translates then to now perfectly. You can go back to your old family home (if your parents hadn't redone your room) and see all the posters and old clothes and things with memories. Tangible memories.

Tours used to be there to promote an album release or new projects by an act but now artists are able to throw together a concert with more flexibility. Streaming and social media has changed how music is distributed. As big as tour are with all the costs attached to them, merch is a major driver and that is something that has not changed over time. 

I am excited to see where the music industry goes and I hope to be there along for the ride. I have enjoyed working with 200+ tours so not that many compared to those who work with music corporately but that is where I want to be some day. 

I have seen how much great energy can come from a dedicated and passionate fan base in a sold out show from Harry Styles to Third Eye Blind to Breaking Benjamin. I want to be a part of building that out for those nostalgia groups but also creating a fan base and showing around new music for up and coming artists as well. This feels like beginning of something with music but who knows. Anyways here is the music video for Feel Good Inc. A good throwback. 



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