
Insecurities, they either straighten the fuck out of a relationship or they are the sole reason for it to never be what it can be. Relationships build when people can share their vulnerability. I for one have a crap load of insecurities and am incredibly introverted. It definitely has held me back because I'm scared of taking risks and being spontaneous because I don't want to get in trouble or don't want to be be judged...humans have the need for acceptance because we all want to be deemed normal, regardless of how we express ourself to others, not even to fit in but to be accepted. I suck at social situations because in reality I can't be bothered to show who I really am out of fear. I need a way to switch my brain off for over thinking cuz this causes nervousness and I don't want to be scared forever. I want to want things for myself or else I will miss out on the finer things in life. I want to get a great job, i want to be in love, I want to get a house and a family and travel around the world and take spontaneous trips and want to be smart and funny and cute and sweet and courteous and proper and speak my mind and have my voice heard. I want to want things for myself. Everyone deserves to be a little selfish at times, do what feels good and feel good about yourself.


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