A year's Self Reflection

 I think it's safe to say that this year has definitely been one for the ages. It had everything! A massive boom in the stock marketing, then subsequent crash, the a global pandemic, then the lock down stuff, the the soft opening, then the second wave, to today. At the beginning of the year it was looking pretty perfect, my job looked like it was going somewhere and I was getting more interested in production and live events. 

This all kind of showed how much we all really need honestly though, I worked out more, I went running every day and this past summer it was perfect weather. Sure, money was a little tighter and unemployment spell  sort of was embarrassing but I got more into hobbies. I got more into writing, more into music, more into learning new languages, and fitness too and going hiking and to the beach. I read more, I used to love to read, and I got way into podcasts these past few months too. I did realize I need to up my skin care routine though. And I can't wait to travel and get out there. 

This really all sets up all the things I want to better for myself in the future and have concrete plans and goals for the coming years. I'm excited for where things go. They can only go up from here right? I want to buy my own place, I want to move towns and potentially out to NYC, and I want to travel more and go to more concerts. I can't wait. 



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