We Need to Laugh More

The SNL seasons I have watched during and pre-corona, definitely in 2020 the series received highs and lows along with the other productions out there (The Golden Globes happened and I barely recognized any of the shows), this past saturday was definitely a low. Nick Jonas was the host and the musical guest and it was very evident where a majority of the effort went for the night. His musical performance was miles ahead better than the skits. 

Publications go on to talk about how SNL isn't the same and not as good as it once was but even with the hosts this past year I beg to differ. TV shows try to cater toward its audience and that changes week to week and with media becoming more and more involved, I'm sure it's difficult to nail perfectly every week. Social media and streaming shows though definitely boomed this year for sure though. Netflix and Hulu and HBO are huge.

I'm sure back in the day there were less lawyers involved with SNL and working with ads and donors, hell every old story talks about the millions of parties and drugs and drinking that happened. Less censoring for television for sure and the drugs had to bring out more creativity for skits and stuff compared to today. 

Today, everyone will sue anyone so I'm sure production has to walk that fine line. I'm sure television wants people who are hugely popular and doesn't have a bad reputation. Look back to Nick Jonas, this past weekends host. Nick and the other Jonas Brothers grew fame from Disney, who have a reputation of being the squeaky clean kids, then some child actors go through their scandalous phase after, Amanda Bynes, Demi Lovato, Britney Spears...That is a whole separate issue though...

There are still great ways to bring a fresh new take for comedy though. Examples of great hosts this past year include Bill Burr, Dave Chapelle, and Adele. Bill Burr known for toeing the line and his opening monologue definitely got reactions out of people on twitter talking about 'woke' media and BLM. Even Dave Chapelle's 16 minute monologue    talking about the effects of corona and the election. Both had perfect sets. Adele was surprising with her acting and other popular guests were Timothee Chalamet and John Krasinski from The Office.

This year it seemed to be a theme to bring back some of the SNL alums as well. John Mulaney and Chris Rock both were amazing talents and not even talking about the musical guests, Justin bieber, Jack White, Meg the Stallion, all with huge songs. I think that people are complaining about this year because there isn't anything going on really, barely any shows or entertainment. It's hard to be inspired creatively without anything going on. 

News outlets and bloggers often point out how the shows are less and good each time but with this hyper criticism, can you blame shows to have a more kid friendly and PC show? With views mattering so much for the advertisers as well as the millions of opinions of the viewers, everything is now picked through with a fine toothed comb. 

Criticism is not only through word of mouth and tradition news media but social media. Definitely has to be taken into consideration with TV productions like this, with Twitter and the PC warriors to Tik Tok the newest platform. Theres a million of young users on those sites with their own opinions as well as older more tradition media personalities. I'm sure Nick Jonas was a huge get for SNL with his younger demographic and his new album going solo, no scandals and popular seasoned young singer. 

Its the chicken or the egg situation, bloggers and viewers complain about being offended with shock jock humor or complaining about shows being not as good as they once were. The media definitely perpetuates their own opinions onto there huge audience and following. With right now not much happening with corona, everything is being looked at under a microscope. I can't wait for things to open up and more more music, more movies, and just things back to what they were. Anyways, heres a clip of a parody of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from over the summer.


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