Year End Cap

This year definitely feels like it is the end of 2019 when it is really 2021. Corona is still very prominent but things are more active, entertainment is coming back slowly still, bookings are still happening. Travel is still happening and masks are becoming more optional and things are really becoming less cautious than before even with the variant. 

The one thing that is noticeable is the understaffing of places. Working as a task rabbit working in production, you can notice just out and about at random places it is something that is very much happening across the board, with hospitality type and customer facing jobs from grocery stores to security to restaurants to hotels to travel and just extra hands and its crazy. 

One day everyone will be fed up and when things reach a breaking point there will be a lot. The medical field has really taken on a such a huge undertaking with corona and vaccines and even pharmacies and such. People need extra hands and people also need a paycheck but with the demand being so much, the start of some jobs are jumping right into the mud and its a lot from the start. They all deserve so much respect for how hard they work.

Concerts really have back in a big way, probably getting all the overflow from the previous years contracts and even for businesses to get huge numbers for their year end reports or whatever. personally have yet to experience a festival on a normal year but it has not looked good this year with the Astroworld situation with Travis Scott and Livenation. 

Music for their Jingle Ball artists are trending toward artists who gained popularity with TikTok music and dance trends but also less people are using the app than last year. Artists like MGK and Shawn Mendes are using TikToker singers or singers who gained fame from TikTok for opening acts. Concerts are more going to be outdoor stadiums for next year and more outside or smaller scaled for shows because of insurance and costs. 

With media Tik Tok sort of still is a huge platform but the huge personalities on that platform are really becoming more defined off the app and venturing in their own businesses. The Damelios have their own clothing line they have built and their own TV hulu show doing exactly what the trends have predicted. Dixie is traveling with Iheart Jingle Ball so music is probably going to be in the future. The company's likeness Triller had dipped their toe into the live events area with live streamed fights with media personalities like TikTokers and the Paul Brothers. 

Movies, tv series, and even really other tradition television such as a talk show even lumping in SNL there really have not recovered from the shut down seemingly. There have not been alot of hugely popular movies out in theaters or even series even on streaming services as well besides the whole SquidGames series this past month. Next year movies might be a better year for productions. The only thing in the news about movies is the who Alec Baldwin gun thing with production where someone died. 

All of last year the huge push and popularity was with podcasts, with people working from home and event he shut down with people having more time on their hands, listening to podcast definitely pushed some to stardom such as Call Her Daddy, Tim Dillon and Joe Rogan. 

This year podcasts were show to be just a trend with seemingly less marking and advertising. Next year will be interesting in seeing what media will become more popular. Right now podcasts are moving toward small live event tours with their audiences because of their following and low cost build up. 

Jobs have gone remote and companies are finding out how really people are both liking it and ready to go back to the office. Working from home is easy to do but the social aspect of working in the office with other departments are needed for in person collaboration. Houses went up in price as people worked from home and moved away from the cities. 

People may be spending more online for shopping such as black friday and cyber Monday but shopping in public is missed but kind of busy for the stores. Gas went up so much and food too. Bitcoin and NFTs are huge with crypto-currencies growing in popularity but very volatile such as with the Gamestop and the redditors stock market situation at the beginning of the year. It showed how the market could be manipulated. 

Next year people will probably be working half at home and half in the office so how companies will adapt with this. Music will go back to the same artists and the trendy social media singers will either sink or swim depending on who mentors them. Podcasts will be less front and center and transition toward the traditional media to get more eyes to their programming. Live shows podcasts and event concerts will be smaller scaled back because of the Astroworld Festival and their lack of security and management. 

TikTok and social media will just become all ads with their newly found fame and following digitally. Customer service will go down significantly and be cut in half even with raised wages because of growth and demand of customers after the corona year. Shopping will go up because of the ads in person less but more online then will continues with help shortages. Next year will just be helping out what we started this year. 


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