I should write more

Probably one of the saddest things was the fact that as I am writing this, I had started this blog 4 years ago thinking that it would be some revolutionary hobby that would help define me as a person just is simply that old toy that fell behind my dresser. Looking back though I can see that my preferences in others have changed, my fashion choices and my maturity. Back in high school I was waiting and getting excited about going my first prom and today I'm wondering about whether I need more job experiences before I go out into the working world.

In high school, my friends, I had no doubt would be those I would leave behind in my hometown because I knew the dynamic of the friendship. For me, it was go to school, sit through class and talk with others find someone cute and never talk to them ever then go home and do it all over again. Oh and of course at lunch instead of talking about things that I liked or cared about, we would talk endlessly about one direction and school grades which were ingrained in my brain as the most important things in the world.

Honestly that was the school life that I never once complained about but just walked through life. The home life I probably was that daughter that always had a chip on her shoulder and never thought anything was good enough. Too this day, I feel as though I could have contributed more to my family. In school I should have joined more clubs or tried more in sports. I should have tried harder by getting a job or volunteering or doing extra curricular activities. End rant. this is dumb.


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