8 Holiday Must Haves (Maybe in 2020 too?)

1. Setting up the Christmas Tree and House lights

Not that we haven't been spending enough time in the house but this all definitely gets things in the holiday spirit. Set up the tree make a hot coco and light the fire place and watch Elf. A few minutes away from me, they are doing a drive-in movies and it's different holiday movies every week. It's perfect.

2. Drive around and look at Christmas lights

No contact involved, even in those professionally lit houses and areas, just in your car, stop by a Dunkin or a Starbucks for a hot drink and make a day of it. 

3. Small Town Light Parade

Now normally these are perfect, small towns in the suburbs put on these parades and make these huge floats and its perfect to get in the holidays, this year for sure it's different. The town near me are sort of doing a reverse parade almost, the cars are going to drive by the floats and such instead of it all going by on mainstreet. 

4. Black Friday and Holiday Shopping

This year actually really encourages everyone to think about the necessities and how to budget spending and not be so frivolous. Also black friday sales are some of the best of the year aside from like back to school sales and others. When shopping just keep in mind about what you're getting and buy with intent and purpose. 

PS. The stores and the malls aren't as crazy as they normally are

PPS. The tree lighting how this year as well as the thanksgiving day parade this year did look kind of sad this year but the floats and such looks nice.

5. Go To NYC and See the Tree

Per usual, NYC does the holidays correctly, every street seems to be in the holiday spirit minus the crazy holiday shoppers and tourists. Actually looking at pictures from the websites it still looks like the crazy shoppers are still there, but it's good to see that NYC isn't dead. 

6. Ice Skating

And ice skating, I honestly don't think I've ever done this in the city but there was an annual christmas party as a kid and that would be the one time I would skate a year and forget how to do it by the end of the night. And people normally stay 6 feet apart as it is on the ice.

7. Baking and Making Gingerbread Houses

If you haven't gotten cabin fever yet there is no shortage of recipes for the holidays, cookies, gingerbread, and other meals. Normally gingerbread houses can get stale and be a lot to make and prepare, but hey, we have nothing but time on our hands. Just throw on your favorite christmas tunes and do a little karaoke as well. I'm assuming there are no company holiday parties this year but hey you can make one at home.  

8. Skiing, Snowboarding, Sledding

Sooo so far, there really hasn't been any snow and such but it has been cold, so sort of normal, college definitely I enjoyed going on these trips and such so I am just ready for the temperature to drop. Oh and going the New Hampshire to the Ice Castles is a New England must so I'm not sure when they will open but the reservations will be a must. 

***Christmas movies also are a necessity I know some love the Muppets Holiday Christmas, and I love the Peanuts Christmas Special. I absolutely love Elf with Will Farrell and the Santa Claus series with Tim Allen. Freeform always does their 25 Days of Christmas with all the classics on it like ummmm Home Alone! 


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