Going out to keep me sane

So right now, now that summer is basically over, I kind of love this middle period between winter and summer both spring and fall, literally a perfect weather and atmosphere. Definitely the corona and the whole quarantine does not make things easy thats for sure. On any normal day, I would be going to concerts, going to bars in flannel, running more minus this almost cabin fever feeling and all that stuff. I am trying to do things that aren't as confined and things where mask are less necessary like apple picking and going to corn mazes and such. 

Honestly this summer has sort of been a let down. Normally just traveling and visiting friends and family I didn't really get to do as much as well as work slowing dow. I'm trying to listen to my own advice and try to be more creative with keeping busy. With the chiller weather it is less mini golf and beach days and more going to distanced outdoor eating and entertainment. I'm going to try to go to more Drive-in movies and seeing more standup comedy shows because lately it's just been podcasts all day and work. I've definitely gotten lazy. 

I am so excited for the leaves to turn and to do all those fall things. I'm ready for autumn. 

This upcoming week I want to run 2 miles a day, eat more healthily, write more blogs, post more on pinterest, and go out and do more things with my friends on my days off. And maybe pick up yoga again, who knows if I'll have the time. 


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