Tik Tok Here to stay

 I want to say I am only writing this because I just want to see where these kids will be in 15 years but honestly, I think I am genuinely interested  in them. Young social media influencers and all those Tik Tok stars are definitely interesting. Their individual stories and how much of a following they all have obtained probably in the past 1-2 years, they are definitely the new child actor star that everyone wanted to be 10 years ago. 

I am for sure out of the popular demographic I believe, not being a teenager wearing all these crazy color cropped top clothes and such. Also not being obsessed with every bit of drama or tea that happens in real time. I don't have a twitter so I don't have that tether but Instagram, Facebook and podcasts take up the social media for me. Oh also Tik Tok until it's banned or whatever is happening. It looks like the app will be alright since US companies have purchased basically the american data in Tik Tok company I guess and will be held be Oracle and Walmart I guess. 

Now I wouldn't know one iota about having a huge social media following or constantly being watched I guess, but it looks like those famous actors and musicians get by alright. Makes you jealous of the popularity definitely but I'm sure there is a talent behind building a brand starting with just a 30 second video. But fame is definitely crazy. These teenage Tik Tokers age shows for sure in their drama and fans. I forget sometimes they are all teenagers but every once in a while, they show their hand. 

Right now I believe the drama is interesting until you see the how transparent they are, calling paparazzi on themselves, go to restaurants where they know fans will be, and participate in the drama online. PR is for sure a 24/7 job for them. I feel like fans are almost a reflection of the influencer they follow and these kids are aware of their following. These teenagers know now how to almost weaponize their fandom for their personal vendettas and use their ride or die fans to stick up for them through thick or thin. It must be wild to be a normal teenager and suddenly gain this supposed fame. And now that they have money, they're in the business with actual adults in entertainment, hopefully they will learn quickly and understand the maturity of it all. There is money in brands but people will take their business elsewhere if the dramatics behind their 'brand' are damaging. 

Anything is good press, good or bad, but when one person receives a reputation, that may stick to the layman out of the social media bubble. But then again, they are just kids. Kids shouldn't be expected to be adults but there has to be a maturity in building and owning a brand as well. They would normally be in the high school any other day but with this popularity, the drama happens in person as well as passive aggressive social media posts too.  

I may be old but for now Instagram is where I spend most of my social media time. Facebook used to be where I would be updated with people from back from my hometown but now everything is political and targeted ads, and maybe from the election as well but just more adult conversations and heavier topics for sure. Tik Tok I think I just view like maybe 5-10 people but that's about it, I like those dances, some of the memes, and even now the 'influencers' are doing ads and promotions there which isn't great. Even Instagram now everyone is political but I enjoy the memes, the fashion accounts and just seeing where everyone is from college and high school. So who knows, I may just be that old boomer or millennial on the social media sites these days, I definitely want to see where everything goes from here. 


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