Health Insurance and health care

 So today I got my tooth extracted because I had this whole thing with my tooth and a bad filling and I'm going to have to get one of those implants. So what has been on my mind is when I want to become a self employed person and run my own company, I am just realizing how much insurance and stuff costs. Like just this tooth alone was an insane amount, and I haven't even done the actual procedure. It's just wild how much growing up and stuff costs. 

$75 per month for dental and $465 was for health insurance were some of the first quotes I saw just simply googling different plans...Not even including copays and all that crap not cover. People are completely dependent on these insurance policies that corporations give their employees in their benefits packages but when someone wants to go off on there own there's not much of a comparable policy option...

So when I move out eventually I will have to pay for everything and I'm just now realizing how much everything costs...My goal has always been I want to have a fun job in marketing or media or something creative. Now its more of I want something that pays well where I can maintain a steady lifestyle where I don't have to worry about things for my family, money or anything. 

Anyways I never really subscribed to parents telling their kids what career paths they should take but I completely understand a parent wanting the best for their kids. I honestly love it. I know growing up is expensive and I hope I am prepared. 


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