Do Coworkers Count as Friends?


Like do coworker-ships work similar to friendships? Like obviously there's not as much there since automatically they aren't defined as just friends but they are friends by choice, you don't have to hang out with them outside of hours...Theres something deep inside you that won't allow you to tell them your secrets but you'll be confident in telling them work gossip or just other small annoyances. Workplace politics itself are so messy and just complicated it almost makes me hate all the coworkers I work with, and completely understand if everyone hates me. I kind of stick to myself, but I don't want to be labeled as that coworker with the chip on their shoulder even though thats 100% me. I need to somehow position myself into complete neutrality where people can feel comfortable around me but I don't want to know everyones life story, unless the day is really going by so slow. I feel kind of jaded being one of the people who have been there for a while but I fight so hard not to be bitter....I can't look like I hate coworkers even though it's very hard to like everyone all the time...

Adult friendships are so different. Like knowing work wears people out but simultaneously try not to be those old adults who aren't fun. Like I'll go out and grab coffee or like food with a friend every now and then, but long are the day where I party 3 nights a week like college and stuff...seeing my sister go out to bars all the time just looks like a headache and an unnecessary hang over in the future.  Also why as adults do I have less friends? I remember in middle school you just had to be friends with everyone and I remember being sooo cringy like friending everyone on Facebook to having anyone sign yearbooks. All of high school was basically me wondering what I'm going to do for college and keeping up good grades and doing sports. Now I think I hang out with maybe 5 people. I think it is harder to make friends as an adult because there are less things to do maybe, not going to class everyday or the college house parties. My college friends and I have drifted apart living in different places and coworkers depending on the day, we hate each other spending 8 long hours together a day. Like we are around each other so long I don't know if I love them or hate them, or maybe its just Stockholm Syndrome. 

When I looked up how many friends people should sort of have they gave a whole 3 5 8 rule. Like you will hang out with like 8 people every now and then, and like 5 people from your childhood but like 3 people for just everyday friendship stuff. So I acknowledge I am below the quota which is kind of sad but I guess it's interesting to know where I stand. I think eventually just like 4 solid friends are perfect, like for a vacation trip, bar nights, and like maybe wedding stuff (even though I think I just want to shot gun or just do a mini wedding because of stage freight stuff). I think this is why I am single, because I am too lazy to go on out there to bars and stuff, and also quarantine. Yeah that's my excuse. 


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