Which child is the best child?

Currently in a debate with myself about this, thinking about my other siblings and which one of us is the best? Like honestly the best probably according to my parents is the one that sucks up to them the most, so probably the youngest. The youngest always gets anything they want. No strings attached and no rules and barely any parenting because the parent is just over it...

The only other person who could compete would be the oldest, now they growing up in the family, would automatically be the most mature and the most put together and responsible and stuff. 

Like they lived through all the childhood rules and stuff and just wanted to leave and be independent. But when visiting will always fight the youngest for the parents time and affection.

The middle child just gets all the shit that happens after the oldest, then has to act mature for the youngest child. Never get the perks of being the youngest. Honestly it's almost refreshing, not competing to be the best of the best and just aiming for mediocrity because it's not like the parents will notice if you do anything bad or good. As a kid I totally packed my stuff in a suitcase and backpack and tried to run away from home and just sat in the woods for a few hours before I realized my parents wouldn't notice. I mean also the divorce probably was a big deal then but don't the kids matter too? Idk, as a child, your perspective of your parents is just that, your parents, and really not much else.  Like their life should revolve around you. 

I often wonder, in life, which is the best? Who would do the best in the real world...Which sibling? Speaking from my personal experience, I guess my oldest brother who left our home town and went to Boston and never looked back. So I guess it would seem he's transitioned the best. 

Compared to my sister, she is just about finishing college and is a great student 4.0 and all that shit but barely has a social life to speak of and acts bitter about it but doesn't do anything to change it but complain. I think I would lie somewhere in the middle...

My experience was I sort of hung out and went to parties and made casual friends, but grades were just average and was never super motivated to become that perfect student because just looking at all the stress I see kids like those go through...And the social side as well was more of the same, I should have gone to more parties and talked to more people and made more connections. I think that was actually a big regret. Like I loved that I graduated early and did alright in school but at the end of the day, I haven't amounted to anything crazy after college. 

So who knows, the jury is still out for whichever sibling is the best. I think my siblings and I are all a little fucked up by life and stuff so who knows where we'll end up. 


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