Maybe This Hurricane Can Help My Lawncare

Think about it, instead of paying like a hundred dollars a tree to cut them down and instead of like making sure those weird branches on the tree don't get in the way, like this is kinda perfect. Besides the fact that like the trees or whatever could fall on the house and stuff, eh not too shabby. Anyways this is just like a small storm that barely hit here that bad, basically no flooding or tornado type stuff, just like strong windows and we lost power all of like 2 minutes max. The biggest hassle is basically waiting for the cable box to connect for TV and waiting for the WiFi to hook back up to like the laptop and phone and stuff.

On the plus side I am home from work. I love my coworkers some days and other days I just want to finish the day and just drive home as fast as possible. Is this basically how things are going to go growing up? Faking being happy all the time at work and trying to work my way up the corporate ladder working a job I still don't know if I even like. I hope others kind of feel that way so I'm not the only one. Anyways I'm looking for another job so it's not worth worrying about. I eventually want to start my own job and be self employed like my parents but like I also don't want to work like a million hours a day. I want a comfortable and easy job but I know for a fact I'll get bored of it (basically what I'm doing right now)...

Anyways I need to get my life together or feel like it at least....keep on keeping on.


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