I'm Quitting Social Media (sort of)

I basically have been going back and forth between trying to stay fit and work out like doing yoga, going hiking, going running every morning, or those Instagram work outs every influencer was doing. But now I am back to eating like crap but going back to work and not just sitting around my yard every day. This is just a late at night post but I need to stay off of social media more. During this whole pandemic, I would try to trick myself into thinking it is the way to stay connected with people I wasn't seeing as often so I was on constantly. And it was incredibly easy, having more time and working from home and all that. On the plus side for companies, every created shopping addictions and watched endless amount of TV and all that stuff. No wonder the billionaires got richer. I did try and help the small businesses, probably too much by ordering out like every other day and stuff. 

Honestly probably the only reason why I started (sort of) working out and all. My dad also was updating me on how fast he was ...running and that sucked because he was faster than me which was incredibly embarrassing.  Anyways, I need to go work out more, I think I'm going to start jumping rope, running and going back to softball again...Along with that I have to start eating better and being more healthy and stuff. More self care and all that. Ugh it's going to be so hard to do...


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