Earlier 2000's Movies of our childhood

13 Going on 30 (2004) I think this movie is probably every girls dream, maybe just accidentally fall in love with your best guy friend. I do think however I want to be 30 flirty and thriving..but if I had one wish it would be to live in like early to mid 20's where you kind of don't know where you are in life but sort of have money without adult responsibilities....

Devil Wears Prada (2006) I'm not even going to lie, this movie makes me want to work at like Conde Nast or any other publishing place in the city because it looks so chaotic...But I 1000% believe I would make it, but I would think all my coworkers are my friend and that would be my downfall. 

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005) So I never really saw myself as being any one person in this group and maybe a little of everyone of them, but I wanted to be Bridget soooo bad. Tibby went through way too much trauma, Lena had the perfect love story thing but was shy and Carmen was like the mom. This movie totally encapsulates how everyone used to dress. 

Princess Diaries (2001) Just typing out that this out makes me feel extremely old because I loved this who series and this is one year after my sister was born...But seriously Julie Andrews and a before and after transformation of Anne Hathaway, Perfect. Just Perfect. And Chris Pine...

Mean Girls (2004) If I'm being honest there really wasn't that much of a plot really in this movie but just reminiscing old Lindsay Lohan and this definitely hits home. The jingle bell rock bit was actually preformed at my high school holiday show outfits and all. If you're from Africa, why are you white?

She's the Man (2006)
Amanda Bynes used to be so cool... and a love Channing Tatum. This movie made me want to go to a boarding school as well as Zoey 101. and I remember going to blockbuster and renting out this movie and I miss those times...Netflix should buy blockbuster...

Step Up series (2006) This movie totally made me believe that I could dance and could move like them. I still can't believe they sort of switched out Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan but the new people were also hot too. Moose was a preteen crush for sure. 

Dodge Ball (2004) I think this was one of the few movies that was shown at school for when I'm assuming the teachers were hungover or whatever reason we randomly were shown movies. Definite classic movie. If you can dodge a wrench...

Superbad (2007)
I think everyone has this friend group, the one who wants to be apart of the popular group, the one who is just okay being average and the kind of dorky one who thinks he's the coolest guy. Also I kind of think none of the actors were acting...like this is genuinely how they are..

Hangover: (2009)
I remember old softball sleepovers and this is where I think I first saw how drunk people could get. and I think nudity...I think this was where I like knew I wanted a close group of friends like these

I could totally write a whole list on Judd Apatow movies in itself...One day I will cuz literally All of his movies are a hit, they all may follow the same formula but I'm not mad about it. Honestly, there are probably a million other comedy movies I forgot too. 


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