What Are Hobbies

I'm trying to get back into what I used to love growing up...like doing sports, or how I basically used to see it, working out without really trying. I have been listening to podcasts while running and doing home workouts. Like today I bought a softball bat and shock resistant balls and just hit them for an hour. Honestly maybe that's why I enjoyed softball growing up, because I got to hit stuff. I loved sports until I stopped growing. thats why I started my mediocre "career" as a track and field person. 

Anyways, I just feel it is harder to continue with hobbies and stuff now a days with like working jobs and like social media and stuff. I'm honestly glad I don't have twitter, cuz I heard it is just as time sucking as TikTok which I'll browse and oh shit also Instagram just wastes sooo much of my time. Maybe I'll try to learn how to play an instrument, like guitar or piano. Those where things I couldn't do as a kid. Honestly, maybe I was just a lazy kid, I dropped alot of little skills/hobbie like things. 

Side note, my 5K time is 39:13 mns and I want to get it down to 25mns. Maybe by writing this down I'll actually get back out there and work toward it. 


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