Daily Mail Makes Me Hate the Kardashians

 I serious think this is the truth...Like Honestly I never was super into reality shows, like honestly I never really was a movie type person to sit in front of one forever but my parents always put me in sports so I guess I just never had time to watch anything. 

the first ones I really watched were those singing shows like American Idol and like the Voice and random stuff like that..Like Oh! So You Think You Can Dance was awesome because I kind of always wished I learned how to dance as a kid...

The American Idol was the same really kinda wish I could sing, and also enjoyed listening to new people sing and be discovered compared to those same 5 singers that always are on the radio or even Spotify is doing the same thing. I mainly now don't even listen to music besides what is downloaded on my phone and really I should dig out my old ipod for all the throwback music I used to love. Now its all those Tik Tok songs and I don't really even know what else, there are like a million commercials and ads all the time now...

But anyways, yeah I never watched the reality shows really because I feel they all just have champagne problems and really don't do anything I'm interested. Like now honestly I feel all the drama is manufactured because barely anyone does cable anymore and does all the streaming stuff...

Like now I fully believe the huge streaming boom or whatever you want to call it streaming push, is reverting back to what cable was...a million different channels for different things AKA different streaming services for different things. Like Netflix is no better than Hulu or Amazon Prime..they all have just about the same quality of service and I still fully believe that HBO is the only one that has done the best out of all of them quality wise and quantity. Like they don't have thousands of movies and shows and documentaries like the other ones but the production is good, the plots are good and not cheesy, and is entertaining, They have good movies that rotate out every month too...Dang, I may have just talked myself into wanting to start paying for HBO again...

But yeah, just like any other millennial or generation z or x or whatever the kids are now, I start off my day looking at the Daily Mail tab thing on SnapChat..like a freaking drone..I know...I used to read the tabloids mainly for the new fashion and hair styles the gorgeous actresses and models used to wear but now eh. I hate the fashion these days, it's just so lazy, I mean, I'm lazy, but I don't want to walk around like a bum...

I'll give the Kardashian's this, they can do business...sometimes the clothes they wear are nice, sometimes it's fashionable ad sometimes they all individually aren't crazy and look kind of pretty and not totally crazy, when you look past the photoshop or the botox and plastic surgery. It must be nice though honestly, to like be paid for all that stuff, promoting random companies, being paid to wear stuff, and like public appearances and stuff...They all do have a million cars and huge houses and stuff so I guess they are doing something right I guess. But seriously Daily Mail, can you not put like 5 articles a day just on them? like what ever happened to new news, and new actors or new artists? everything now is more of the same...


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