My sister must hate me: she went to college and gave me her dog

 I know my sister did this all unexpectedly going off to college or whatever but thrusting her dog sitting duties on me and my mother is just too much. Now firstly, I know that dogs really aren't that much to take care of, or they aren't overly hard to handle with just walking them a few times a day and just making sure it doesn't wreck their house. 

Dogs are too much responsibility. Like too much. Like they are just a hope skip and jump away from like a child which is way too much to handle. Like the dog was hers given to her by her ex boyfriend (at the time current boyfriend) so I understand how she had a hard time with it because we grew up in a cat house where they can take care of themselves and they low key hate you but you as the owner give them food and water and treats. Oh and the damn litter boxes...those are actually the worst. 

The pomeranian is way too much energy, is way too needy, and just is never satisfied no matter how much I leave it on its own or bring it out, it's never good enough. This literally like if I had a child, which is impossible. I think I want to have like a child when I am like 30+ so I have absolutely all my shit together and I could feel confident that I am way better than my child. Like way better. I actually can't wait to have a child, not the birth part but the raising a kid thing when I have money and stuff. My kid is going to be awesome.

Everyone always says their child is going to be the opposite of them which means my child is going to be smart, cool and well rounded. Like they are going to be perfect. I like to keep my circle close and I am wary of everyone and that is what it has always been forever. My sister is in college right now and during the pandemic stuff and all has been talking to my mom about how to entertain herself and stuff there before class and stuff starts. UCONN literally is the perfect school any year but during the corona virus but I refuse to believe there is nothing happening during this situation as well. I've told my mom like there is yoga, ice cream events and like hiking and stuff that people do but my mom is super cautious about everything corona and stuff. I think my sister should have a relatively normal college experience even so without all the school funded activities and stuff. Go play pool, go find people to do like trivia, go do yoga, go to the gym. Idk, I'm like old and probably don't know what the kids do these days. 

Anyways, just a little rant today, college is still college so kids still will be doing stupid stuff all over campus and on campus, corona be damned. Anyways I guess I'll go bother her on campus and see what's happening there and stuff. 


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