From The Big Bang Theory to Game of Thrones

I kind of love that all these dorky nerdy things have sort of become mainstream and it really has been a slow build. And honestly now there really isn't as hard of a cut between more mainstream shows than the ones that would typically shown at like a Comic Con.  

Marvel made bank off of they dozens of comic book characters from box office numbers to toys due to the Disney virality. According to Time, they found that there have been seven Marvel blockbuster hits that have made over $1 billion in ticket revenue world wide, and many more with hundreds of millions for others in the franchise. Thinking back to the stereotypical high school tropes, the popular kids were the jocks and the dorks/nerds were just an outlier who were obsessed with superheroes and comics. 

Harry Potter was an example where the story revolved around wizards and had dragons and ghosts and such. The Big Bang Theory kind of a show that introduced  this different point of view show that interested me, like a Freaks and Geeks and such. As was like Glee, where it was atypical yet had the same stereotypical story of temperamental high schoolers but just followed the outliers. Heck every show, they sang like 3-4 top 100 list songs.

Things honestly started becoming mainstream and was passed around digitally with like sites like Reddit and Tumblr which just feed into the moody and melodramatic feelings of preteens that slowly transitioned from Myspace. Fangirling and all that was a thing too with like fictional characters too like Marvel and stuff. They weren't even that much of a hard hitting plot but the cinematic and movie production just went up movie after movie after movie. After all, these story lines coming from the comic books from way back when, sometimes I would wonder if the old vintage fans resent the popularity and mainstream idea of everything. 

Comic Con I don't remember when it started but was always seen as like a bunch of dorks dressing up like action figures and role playing and stuff. Everything has slowly transitioned to mainstream, with panels and famous speakers and even do live trailer premiers. Like Game of Thrones just goes to show how much popularity can affect a show. 

The viewing was 19.3 million for final episode and 2.2 million from the first episode, there was a massive jump in viewership and even eventually eclipsed George R R Martin writing, moving past the books. Along the way it was noticeable how word of mouth and social media really has changed things where now there would be live streams and Twitter livechats, and Reddit after-show discussions and theories where a movie or a show becomes more than just that but an experience, bringing sort of a community aspect for all these hard core fans. Actually,  the community thing is why I really enjoy going to a movie theater. Like things such as The Hollywood Reporter's The Round Table, where actors and actresses deconstruct the production aspect of movies and shows kind of gives a second point of view. They are interesting to me as someone not routinely involved in production and sometimes they become a bit pretentious. I forget acting and movies and such are just people who are paid to pretend, kids to adults. 

I think that is why I kind of enjoy things now a days because there is just another avenue and access for creativity.  Netflix and streaming services have also given more opportunities and more variety. Like I loved Harry Potter, Marvel movies, Silicon Valley, and I loved Game of Thrones. Of course now things are almost over saturated and already moving away but the variety is nice now a days, as long as the quantity has quality. It's just interesting how what was categorically nerdy or dorky has changed and adapted. 


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