People are moving out of NYC


So Honestly right now this inspiration is because of how many people from new york are moving out of NYC. Random stuff I've heard about is that it's just pricey to live there, the corona pandemic thing has make many more jobs remote and no necessary to go into an office and just things are closing down. 

Now I know that everyone is saying that New York is not going to be what it once was but in reality, I feel like this is a good reset. 

Prices have been climbing forever starting in Manhattan with Billionaire Av. and everything and slowly the outer boroughs climbing as well. Hell, even New Jersey is getting more pricey....I think this might clean up New York. The steady inflation might be reset and there now may not be as much as jump between living styles and stuff. 

I have never lived in New York yet that is one of my dreams even now. I  understand it is very different than the quiet out in the middle of no where suburbs that I live in the middle of CT but as a mid 20's kid, I just feel there is still so much opportunities. Just like how all the baby boomers are slowly retiring and stuff, more jobs are opening and the pandemic has brought along new options to innovate and reinvent how some businesses are run. People are going to more patio restaurants, there is more live business, at the start of this whole corona thing, there were so many pictures of people out walking and riding bikes and stuff. I think after everything is through, we are all going to be okay. are pictures of apartments that I one day want to have. 


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