I Miss My Laptop

I know I’m not supposed to be attached to technology and stuff these days but still...I miss my laptop. I miss ironically checking on Facebook sort of catching up with what old high school people are doing daily, I miss being jealous and insecure about my personal achievements seeing people getting married and buying houses and stuff, most of all, I miss purposely making myself worked up about how stupid everyone is and how things would be better if people were more like me.

Now I know I live like a below average life, at most average to be honest. I dislike my job and sometimes enjoy it, I wish I could travel more and need more money I like my routine, I like going out with friends and stuff, but frequently annoyed by things they do. The summers ending and honestly I have very little to say for it. Corona happened, my workload from my job suddenly dropped, I had unexpected family stuff, and peppered in all of that, I went running like every other day, we to the beach and got food with friends, bought a softball bat and balls, tried to learn the piano and guitar, as well as French. Out of all that, I miss my laptop more than I care to admit.

I’m trying to be a more adventurous person and wish I wasn’t stuck in my ways. I think growing up with routine made me too comfortable growing up that I like need variety now. Right now everything feels like Groundhog Day the same thing happening over and over again. I also need my laptop back to apply for new jobs because I’m just getting burnt out with the job I have now. I need change. 


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