Here's a list of things to do distanced-ish at college

I get that college is not as lively as it would be any other syllabus week but I can't believe my sister is coming home for a bit until class starts...I feel she isn't giving college enough of a chance. I get that college isn't what things should be, people aren't hooking up with everyone and parties aren't happening on every street but I don't think my sister should be back home. 

I get that she is going to live on campus by herself for the first time but I feel right about now is too soon to give up on living on campus. So, I am just going to write a list of things that people can do on campus that is sort of socially distanced and maybe things will soon colleges won't be so boring with every campus trying to keep their students from getting covid. 

  1. Create a drive-in movie on campus lawn
  2. Do yoga out on the weekends with students
  3. Host a food truck festival type thing
  4. Go to comedy shows in open areas
  5. Have a game night or poker night with others
  6. Advertise for live bands to preform on a lawn or open court area
  7. Create a trivia night 
  8. Go hiking
  9. Go shopping or buy food
  10. Start a pick up basketball or whatever sport game
  11. Go play frisbee on the campus lawn
  12. Have a painting night with friends or roommates
  13. Make cookies or bake something 
  14. Do a tie dye night
  15. Go to the beach
  16. Go create Tik Toks
  17. Learn how to juggle 
  18. Go work out at the gyms and get gains
  19. Go on Tinder and look for guys who are also bored
  20. Paint your nails or dye your hair

And if you can't do any of those I guess start studying for your classes I guess...Idk...I feel like being at college it's easy to preoccupy yourself. I'm sure there are other ways to spend your time, but this is a time in college where you are surrounded by others your age and interests. Like after college you have to pay more for all these things and look for them happening around town. College you can walk down the hall and meet a new person. College is the perfect place just to try new things. 


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