Reality Shows Blah Blah Blah Blah

Like I know I shouldn't watch these types of shows like I 100% know because of what has come out about live shows how they are destructive and how the production behind it is manipulating and how like people need like therapy and stuff afterwards. I think we all as consumers just get off on people like going crazy or acting crazy, like a holier than thou type of vibe. We think we are better than them so we laugh at their dumb conversations (like we are all scholars having philosophical riveting conversations about petty coworker gossip to judging Kristin's shitty attitude she apparently wakes up with all the time..). Or the complete opposite which is equally likely, our lives are just so boring that we need something to spice things up. Us girls actually do that in relationships too actually, we are just complete psychopaths sometimes...As my brother always says, only boring people get bored. True. I am boring.

I actually think I would be perfect for a television relation thing like The Bachelor or Survivor, not quite like Ex on the Beach, but not as boring as like Wheel of Fortune. To be fair though, I don't really watch TV so who knows, they all maybe the best shows ever. I don't have the attention span for it and the same for movies as well. I'm that person who will watch like the same 5 shows over and over again though so I guess that fills my TV show quota. 

If I ever am on a TV show I think I would be night one let go. I think I take too long to open up to people so I would be shy and awkward in front of camera BUT I do make stupid very loud facial expressions which would get me in trouble. I would make friends with like 2 people and would somehow be considered a villain for doing nothing but glaring at the whiny girls or whatever and be gone the next day. Like the bachelor would barely know my name haha. Anyways, being an influencer is too much pressure. Imagine being paid thousands of dollars just to look perfect on Instagram and start a mediocre podcast or clothing line....being paid to live your best life....paid to travel....paid to hang out with other perfect barbie people...I don't want to be rich, f that....I'm forever going to wish to get paid by being me and get paid to do random things...Fingers crossed!


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